We don’t do social media marketing:

Our concept is all about communicating to inform and create awareness

Our job is to make people interested in the content and, in the long run, in the products and the purchase. We want to inform and create expertise and awareness, rather than just sending an empty message that simply aims to place a useless product in someone’s home.

Real growth

Creating content that generates real interest

Our aim isn’t to increase the number of profiles that follow pages. Instead, we aim to create a reputation based on content, resulting in long-term loyalty and, consequently, growth linked to actual interest in the page and what it publishes.

An impeccable reputation

Garnering the interest of the press and internet

Professional and competent work, carried out by writing professionals with specific skills that aim to make it clear what companies are doing and to increase interest among people who really want to learn more about the product before buying it.

Professional communication

Direct emails to a truly engaged audience

There is a fundamental difference between marketing and communicating something that can effectively be of interest. We are heading in this direction. We try to talk to people: it’s not always easy, but we dedicate great care and attention to doing so.

Our objective
“Successful marketing strategies that promote our clients’ activities and products with great economic and personal satisfaction for both parties”

A specific approach for every client

We take great care and adopt a targeted approach for each client, choosing the best possible way to ensure that they are known for exactly what they are.

Our offers

Pick the option that best meets your requirements

Promopack 1

Quarterly publishing plan
10 monthly Instagram + Facebook + LinkedIn posts
1 direct email marketing campaign
1 press release for Italy every 2 months
Texts by professional copywriters
Images supplied by the client or picked
by us from authorised archives

Promopack 2

Quarterly publishing plan
20 monthly Instagram + Facebook + LinkedIn posts
2 direct email marketing campaigns
1 press release for Italy per month
Texts by professional copywriters
Images supplied by the client or picked by us from authorised archives

Promopack 3

Quarterly publishing plan
40 monthly Instagram + Facebook + LinkedIn posts
4 direct email marketing campaigns
2 press releases for Italy per month
Texts by professional copywriters
Images supplied by the client or picked by us from authorised archives


Here’s what some of our clients are saying about us

Lavorare con il team di Road Runner è oltremodo utile: sono tutti estremamente rapidi nelle loro risposte, assicurandosi sempre che tutte le nostre domande non siano solo indirizzate, ma che comprendiamo appieno il processo che si svolge.


Lavorare con Road Runner è un’esperienza eccellente: si preoccupano veramente dei loro clienti e tengono sempre presente l’interesse dei loro clienti. Oggi lavoriamo con statistiche e dati più precisi e realizziamo che lo spazio digitale è uno strumento essenziale per posizionarsi in un campo sempre più competitivo.


Road Runner è il nostro stimato partner da quasi un anno. Apprezziamo la competenza del settore che l’agenzia offre a ciascun progetto – nonché la gestione efficace del progetto stesso – oltre che il supporto continuo di qualità. Non vediamo l’ora di continuare a lavorare con successo con il team di Road Runner nei prossimi anni!


Contact us

Write to us:


Call us:

+355 68 221 2815

Visit our offices:

ALB Qyteti: Tirane Rruga Arben Broci, Kullat Maleziane, Nr 26